Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

Phenomenon of State Administration

Administration is a generic term, which covers all areas of life. Because of this, a lot of definitions of the administration. Even so, there are three main elements of the administration. These same three elements distinguishing whether an activity is something the administration or not. Administration of the existing definition, we can classify the administration in terms of the process, and the administration of government or state administration. As a science, has various branches of administration, in which one of them is the state administration.
State administration also has a lot of definitions, which can generally be divided into two categories. First, the definition of which see only the state administration within the executive branch alone. And second, the definition of which saw coverage of the administration of the state covers all branches of government and matters relating to the public.
There is an interactive relationship between the state administration with the social environment. Among the various elements of the social environment, the cultural element is the element that most affect the performance (performance) state administration.

A.   History of the State Administration of Growth
From the above it can be concluded, that there is a rope of history that assembles the development of state administration. What is achievable and now awarded by the state administration, can not be separated from the efforts of the tireless made ​​by and forming the foundation stone of the former administration. Modern administration is full with more pressing business to public office in order to dedicate all their activities to achieve prosperity and serve the public interest. Therefore, the administration of the state is not seen as the administration "of the public", but instead is the administration "for the public".
This idea is not really new. Such orientation has been declared clearly in the teachings of Confucius and the "Funeral Speech" Pericles, even in the life of the ancient Egyptians. Evidence - historical evidence clearly proves that systematic efforts, which was inflamed by figures such as Cicero and Casiodorus. During the century 16-18 milestone administrative establishment of Germany and Austria have been planted by the administration as Kameralis who view technology. State administration also gained critical attention in America, especially after the country's independence.
What is proposed by Cicero in De Officiis example, can be found in the code of conduct of public old kingdoms. It appears common among them is the expectation that the state administration activities in the public interest and welfare of the people is always developing. In other words, the state administration office should not dredge bag (corruption) for the sake of himself.

B.   State Administration Modern Approach
Evolutionary development of state administration are described through traditional approaches, behavioral approaches, decision-making approach (desisional) and ecological approach. In particular, the traditional approach reveal about the influence of political science, public administration as a parent, a rational approach in the administration of the Scientific Management Movement and the influence on the development of state administration.
Among the four proposed approaches, no single approach is superior to other approaches, because each approach is succeeding at something past, in addition to the awareness that each approach has advantages and disadvantages.
Because administration contains various disciplines, so that way the administration approaches and methodologies are also diverse, the state administration is a dynamic field of study. Furthermore it is difficult to specifically apply only best approach to certain aspects of the administration. It would be more useful to use the four ways the approach according to the accentuation of symptoms observed something.
Political influence of the administration of the state is always great, no matter at any time. This is caused by the presence of symptoms in all countries indicating that every government arranged on the three branches of government (legislative, executive, and judicial). Continuous relationship with the political administration reflects the continuity relationship between the executive with the legislative body, as reflected in the two phases of government, namely the stage of political and administrative stage. If the first stage is the stage of policy formulation, the second phase is the implementation phase of the policy defined in the first phase.

C.  The role of the State Administration
Importance of the study of the State administration was associated with the fact that life becomes meaningless, except with the activities that are public. All matters relating to the conduct of activities that are already covered in terms of public administration of the State, particularly in assessing public policy.
In the development process as a consequence of the view that the administration of the State is the motor of development, the State administration helps to improve administrative capacity. That is, in addition to providing skills in procedures, techniques, and mechanics, administrative studies will provide the scientific provisions on how to organize all the social energy and to evaluate the activity. Thus, determination of public policy, both in the formulation stage, implementation, evaluation, termination amupun, has always been associated with aspects of productivity, practicality, wisdom, and appreciation of the economic value of the prevailing system.
The role of the State administration increasingly needed in a very natural globalization emphasizes the principle of free persainagn. Politically, the role of the State administration is to maintain the stability of the State, both in terms of the territorial integrity or political unity. In economics, the role of the State administration is ensuring the ability of national economies to confront and cope with global competition.

D.   Relationship with the State Administration of Political Science
1.      The relationship between the state administration and political science has been running long, because there is practically no clear boundary between politics and administration.
2.      Political orientation in the study of state administration put the state administration as one element in the process of governance. State administration is seen as one aspect of the political process and as part of the government system.
3.      The emergence of politics-administration dichotomy is actually a correction movement against the government's bad character.
4.      In development, political orientation in the study of state administration in combination with a managerial orientation known as the political-managerial orientation, and socio-psychological orientation known political orientation-socio-psychological

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